User Guide:
Perform survival analysis on patients of specified cancer(s), stratified by the expression or methylation levels of gene(s) of interest. Survival plot showing percent survival vs time are provided along with a list of clinical parameters found significantly different between the stratified groups.
- Gene:
Select gene input format (Gene symbol,Gene
Accession,NCBI Gene ID) and enter your gene(s) of interest. You can enter
3 at most, separated by commas.
- Gene expression/methylation: Select
either expression or methylation to show gene
- Cancer Selection:
Select up to 3 cancer types of interest.
- Threshold:
Set the threshold with which to stratify patients.
- Cutoff(%):
Set expression or methylation threshold. Patients whose gene expression/methylation levels are higher than this threshold are considered as the higher cohort and lower will be the low cohorts.