User Guide:
Compare gene methylation levels in cancer vs normal samples of the selected cancer types. Position plots are generated along with a table of gene information.
data is normalized, using
-You may
enter single gene and select up to 3 cancers or enter up
to 3 genes and select a single cancer. You can NOT
enter multiple genes and select multiple cancers at the same
- Gene:
Select gene input format (Gene symbol,Gene
Accession,NCBI Gene ID) and enter your gene(s) of interest.
You can enter 3
at most,
separated by
- Cancer Selection: Select cancer by clicking on the cancer type(s) you are interested in. Multiple cancer types may be selected,
3 at most, if there is only one gene input.
*Direct comparison of tumor and normal tissues may identify not only differences related to tumorigenesis, but also differences in tissue composition. Thus, the comparison results should be interpreted with caution.