User Guide:
Getting the list of genes whose
methylation levels are most differential between normal and cancer samples.
(Methylation data is measured by Infinium HumanMethylation450K BeadChip)
- Cancer selection:
Select cancer type of interest from the drop-down
- Gene region: Select the region of gene that you
are interested (Promoter, GeneBody,
- Threshold:
: Set the threshold values of either or both parameters with which to filter the list of genes.
- FDR Adjusted p-value:
Set custom FDR(False Discovery Rate) adjusted p-value (q-value). Return genes with a q-value
equal to or lower than threshold.
- Δβ: Set custom beta difference value
(beta value is to show the methylation level).
*Direct comparison of tumor and normal tissues may identify not only differences related to tumorigenesis, but also differences in tissue composition. Thus, the comparison results should be interpreted with caution.