Welcome to OncoDB!
OncoDB is an online database resource for researchers to explore abnormal patterns in gene expression as well as viral infection that are correlated to clinical features in cancer. Specifically, OncoDB integrated RNA-seq, DNA methylation, and related clinical data from over 10,000 cancer patients in the TCGA study as well as from normal tissues in the GTEx study. Another unique aspect of OncoDB is its focus on oncoviruses. By mining TCGA RNA-seq data, we have identified six major oncoviruses across cancer types and further characterized the impact of viral infection on host gene expression and clinical outcomes. All the analysis results are integratively presented in OncoDB with a flexible interface to search for data related to RNA expression, DNA methylation, viral infection, and clinical features of the cancer patients.
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New Features: |
Expression Analysis |
Methylation Analysis |
Clinical Analysis |
Oncovirus Analysis |
Mutation Analysis |
- Cancer
associated gene expression profile
- Differentially expressed genes in specified cancer
- Expression correlation of two different genes
- Cancer
associated gene methylation profile
- Differentially methylated genes in specified cancer
- Survival analysis
associated with gene expression/methylation
- Clinical profile
associated with gene expression/methylation
- Differential genes
associated with clinical
- Genomic profile associated with
viral infection
- Survival analysis
associated with viral infection
- Clinical
profile associated with viral infection
- Mutation profile in
tumor samples
- Survival analysis
associated gene mutations
- Clinical profile
associated with gene mutations